Miracoli (Miracles), 2021

Glass and wall painting, 144 x 330 cm
Film, 15’00” (digital format, color, stereo sound, Italian)
Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE)


Miracoli” (Miracles) is composed of a painting on the glass windows of the Frankfurter Kunstverein and a video work. The piece is questioning the involvement of disability in healing practices, specifically in reference to Lourdes (catholic pilgrimage site) where the waters are considered to be holy. By investigating the role of healing, “Miracoli” follows Cluadia, endurance cyclist and my mother, in her trainings: from sunset to sunrise we create a new ritual, both real and fantastic.
The trees are enclosing together the story of Claudia and the exhibition space: a painting on the glass includes all visitors in the ritual for a non-miracle.


Miracoli (Miracles) a film by Agnese Galiotto

with Claudia and Andrea Gugole, 2021

produced by Frankfurter Kunstverein, Germany

Duration 15’00”. Digital format

3996 x 2160 1,85:1, fps 24/s color, audio 2.1

Language: Italian, English and German subtitles. Countries: Italy, France






Gapado AiR open studio 2022. Gapado Island, Jeju (KR)


INDOCILI. Per un nuovo cinema giovane. Cinema Beltrade, Milan (IT), 2021
Curated by Associazione Tafano


And This is Us. Exhibition at Frankfurter Kunstverein (DE), 2021
Curated by Franziska Nori