Meseret, 2019-2021
Video, 17’00’’
Meseret is the name of my best friend, who was born in Ethiopia and was adopted by an Italian family when she was a child.
The film shows the landscape we see in our hikes, when, protected by the intimacy of wild nature, we go deep into the woods and climb vertiginous rocks. I narrates the story of Meseret’s recent reconnection with her biological parents, and I try to deal with the narration of a story that is not mine.

The film unfolds in a multi layered tone, which implies the colonial ties between Italy and Ethiopia, as well as the sincere trust of a close friendship.

Meseret, a film by Agnese Galiotto

with Meseret Perardi. Year 2021


Duration 17’00”. 8mm film and digital format

HD 1920 × 1080 16:9 4:3 1,33:1, fps 24/s color, audio 2.1


Language: Italian, English subtitles. Countries: Italy





FID Marseille, Fid Campus (FR), 2021


Hardcoeur, Online screening, 2021

Curated by Teodora Talhos


Rundgang, DFF Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt (DE), 2020